Where to begin..
So Friday started off pretty uneventfully since it's the one day a week that we don't have any class [thank god] and everyone was generally pretty stoked about heading off to surf camp that evening. But then, Joe and I [you'll here more about this fellow later] figured out that we had never received a confirmation email like everyone else and spent an anxious 2.5 hrs running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to see if we were going to be able to go.
I was ready to sob cry/ hyperventilate/ throw a hissy if I didn't get to go. Luckily for Mitch [the surf camp guy who organized everything, also the love of Bess' life] things worked themselves out and we made it onto the bus minus the tears/tantrum. Phew.
^meet Joe- he's basically the Situation mixed with Pauly D.^
After a roughly 3 hr journey we arrived at the Southern coast in a place called Gerroa which has a gorgeous view over 7 mile beach. (hint hint that's where we surfed). However, little did we know surf camp= actually camping.
I'm talking like hostel style 6 person cabins that smelled EXTREMELY questionable and whose sheets/ linens probably haven't been washed in a while, if ever. If you know me at all, you should know that the closest I get to "roughing it" is like when I run out of triple quilted tp and have to use single ply. So this was basically my hell. Also, since Bess and I are basically attached and have no other female friends in the BU group so far.. we ended up rooming with Drew, our Senior RA (also a USF alum and asian- so he's obvi chill), Peter who you met in a previous post, and 2 complete strangers.
Let me introduce you to Elmer and Jason.
Bess and I literally shared the double bottom bunk curled in the fetal position both nights because we were possibly scared for our lives. Not really, but maybe definitely most of the 1st night.
Saturday we actually sat down and had a conversation with Elmer, a 30-something businessman from Austria [yes, like the sound of music] who is totally the sweetest thing alive. After dinner he taught me how to do the Vienna Waltz. Most amazing moment of my life. :]

^me and ELMER :]^
But Jason... oh lord. Possibly mute because I didn't hear him say a single word the whole weekend! I could not tell you one thing about the man. He also came on this surf camp adventure trip all by his lonesome.. which is 1-really sad and 2-really fucking weird.
Not gonna lie I'm still terrified of him.
But the surf instructors.. OH SWEET BABY JESUS. the "director" of the camp is this guy named Shayne, or Shayno... and when they split us into groups our instructors turned out to be 2 of the hottest Aussies ever. Christian helped me a ton and was super sweet and although he's married [TOTAL BUMMER] he was SUCH good eye candy. Same can be said for 22 yr old Hayden- minus the married part- although he was a little crazy he had a Bangin' body. yumyum.
My ultimate fav however was Matt who helped me pick out a surf board both days, sweetest young thing ever, only 18 but he is a beautiful baby. Too bad I don't like them young :] ha

^surprised matt hahaha^
We also had a little girl helping us out who is only 17 and hasn't passed her driver's test yet but is the best longboarder in all of Australia.. Nbd.
Must be nice..

^L->R: Matt, mustache man, Shayne, me, Paul, Bess, Hayden & Christian ^
Side note- wetsuits are probably the world's most uncomfortable item of clothing ever invented. Although they did keep us semi-warm, mine kept unzipping until Christian jerry rigged it somehow to stay closed for more than 5 min at a time.. Bess' somehow had a hole in the crotchal area and made it extremely painful to walk and she's pretty much hobbled at this point since she wouldn't let me ask for a new one! Silly girl! Putting them on for our second session on Sat was the coldest/slimiest/ most awkward experience of my life. I felt like a little penguin in mine.. looked like it too [see photographic evidence at top]
But the actual surfing part was totally amazeballs. I actually stood up a bunch and when the waves weren't smacking me straight in the face it was pretty relaxing. If I had the time/ access to the ocean I would totally do it more often. However, contrary to popular belief surfing is WAY less glam than everyone makes it out to be. Wetsuits are basically the least chic outfits ever and there is definitely none of the fab hair and brazilian bikinis that are always being put on the posters for these things.. false advertising for real.
Shayne gave us some suggestions for places closer to Sydney to go to and I think Bess and I are gonna plan a short weekend getaway to try surfing in a different area one weekend maybe in September or October. Gerroa is in a seriously amazing location- in between a kind of countryside and beach town. We checked out the "Fisherman's Club" before dinner on Sat and got some great photos of the surrounding area!

^standing! :]^
Today Bess and I practically RAN off the bus when it arrived.. or crawled would probably be a more apt description, seeing as every muscle in my body is screaming in extreme pain/ soreness. I've never been so happy to see a familiar bed or have my comp/ wifi in my whole life! I don't think I'll make it to the gym for a few days since I can barely roll into my bed tonight but it was worth it. Lots of memories to look back on and laugh about
^Gorgeous views^
We're also working on finding the boys and inviting them to Sydney one weekend.. we'll see how that goes..
I'll keep you guys posted.. more soon..
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