So I'm liking this list format of things, gonna have to run with it. Can't believe I only have 5 weeks (aka 4 weekends) left in this amazing place.. it's already feeling like home and its getting harder and harder to imagine leaving so soon. I've been trying to get in all the things I want to see before I do leave and here's what I got up to in this week's adventures for your (no promises) entertainment.
-Made it through week 3 at the internship. Absolutely loving my time @ Edelman.
-Wore lace dress from Vegas.. thought it went pretty well

^Vegas purchase finally put to good use^
-Attended halloween flat-party with Lily, Val, N. and G. Val had a fab veil/ tiara that I obviously borrowed during the night.. You know how I appreciate a good piece of headwear. See below..

I dressed as a hippie... aka the maxi I wear around the apartment all the time + lots of feathers. Maybe should rethink my "hippie chic" wardrobe situation.

love Lily! xx
-Went to Oxford Art Factory, had some yummy shots I don't remember the name of and a HORRIBLE one that should be avoided at all costs. Val's choice. It was literally called a "trashbag" and the description was- "Don't ask what's in it, just drink it" Probably should have been the first clue. G. can vouch for how absolutely horrible it was.
-Saw a play called "Loot" at the Opera house. Not really my favorite but glad I had the experience.

^in front of the Opera House before seeing 'Loot'^
-Watched the fireworks in Sydney Harbour with a bunch of the BU peeps. They were better than ours for 4th of July... Come on U.S. you really need to step it up!

-Found a cute fascinator for Melbourne cup on tuesday. For those of you who don't know what that is, its just a head piece Aussies wear to the races instead of a crazy hat. Mine's black with black lace to go with my cream dress with the zipper down the front. Pics to come!
-Drove to the blue mountains to see the famous "3 sisters" rock formation with G. Its like 1.5 hrs away and really pretty. It even stopped raining long enough for me to take some cute pics!

^the 3 sisters^

Had to do it.. Sozza! :)
-Went on the world's steepest tram thing over the valley. Me + fear of heights + glass floor in tram= basically hiding for 20 min. It was fun tho and the waterfall was gorgeous!

^the tram on the way down^

-Car pretty much fell apart in the middle of the highway and G. had to MacGyver it back together.. pretty manly- I was rather impressed.

our little situation..
-Saw the world's cutest/ fattest baby ever. Thank god for G's iPhone so we got a sneak attack photo of his chubby little legs... literally this baby had cankles, the only time those will ever be referred to as "adorable."

Wahhhhh! I wanted to steal him.
-Became obsessed with Rihanna's new song "we found love" when it played 9873958 times on the way to the Blue Mountains.
Here's the video if you want to have my new club anthem stuck in your head forever.
-Went to German bar called Lowenbrau... decided I'm clearly not German enough to fit in.
-Wore my new watercolor mullet dress. I adore it, the boys, not so much. #justgonnahavetosuckitup
-Had that convo with G. Excellent timing on his part (Priceless story for-> Linda, Hessie, Heather, Marissa and Michela), but making it very hard to leave soon. :/
-Went to Max Brenner with Lily AND Bess at different times this week. Chocolate heaven. Had banana bread with chocolate. I die.

Heaven in chocolate form
That's pretty much all I can remember (which means I'm probably leaving out something terribly important) so I'll quit this list for now..
Onto the next one..
Things I still need/ want to do-
-Find my size-koala to bring home with me- will make napping in the US much more enjoyable and I am 150% determined to carry it on the airplane if I have to. Advance apology to whoever has to sit next to me/ it.
-Go to The Winery in Surry Hills
-Make it to Bondi Beach, Coogi Beach and/or Palm Beach (hopefully this coming weekend)
-Get my hurr did. Appointment with Daniel on Saturday, I'm giddie with excitement!
-Not be pasty white.. its seriously an issue. Refer to #2 of this list for remedy.
Okok I'm really done! Met G's sis Mikayla who's totally fab (and has great taste in shoes- Obvi we get along) and apparently we're going out with her on friday etc etc so I'll update you on all the adventures of this week soon!
Miss you all! xxx