Tick Tock.. Tick Tock..
Another weekend down.. time is seriously slipping by like you wouldn't believe and its getting seriously annoying. Hoping Qantas decides to go on permanent strike so I get to stay longer. Anyways. here's all the scoop from the last 7-ish days my lovelies...
-Finally got my hair done. OMG I'm in love with the Dirty Girl salon.. its like Cowboys & Angels in SF if it were painted black, covered in glitter and thrown into a neo-punk club with the sassiest people ever. Its in Newtown- this section of Sydney that's super indie and has all these cute cafes etc. Daniel and Kath ballayage'd my hair to this lovely chesnut -> caramel shade and made it "Victoria's Secret dirty sexy hair" while I enjoyed a bottle of white wine. Basically heaven on a Saturday afternoon. Daniel is also my new fav person he's super macho and covered in tats (he just got a new skull one on his trip to HK to do Alicia Key's hair last week) but he's totally just a teddy bear. Everyone in Sydney needs to go there. Photo evidence of new do below.
-Celebrated Andy's b-day at Kazbah (see older post for why we love this place) in Darling Harbour on Friday night with Lily and Katim and a bunch of their friends. We finally got the set menu which was pretty much a feast and we ate so much amazing food it was literally physically painful. Attractive, I know. :)
^pre food coma with Lil and Andy^
-Met up with G, B, and Bertie after feast for a drink next door at Docks before heading to Cargo for Mikala's ARN thing, got there as she was leaving with posse so we just all headed to the cross and ended up at Kit & Kaboodle where I experienced a variety of signature Carbert dance moves. Breathtaking. Literally there are no words, these moves must be experienced in person.
Moral of the story I am more of a fan of G's sister than ever and we have a standing nail date for next weekend, Penned and highlighted.
-Found amazing fat buddha statue on the way out of K&K. Obviously took a picture.

-Ate at cute place called "In the mood for Thai in Surry Hills with G. and got to sit in this hilarious woven basket/ egg chair that was dangling from the ceiling. I'm clearly 5 years old no biggie.
-Finally went back to The Winery with Lil and G etc. Thanks to Georgie and Kay for getting us onto the patio after 11- it was so pretty with all the trees lit up and we had yummy chocolate brownie dessert. Be jealous.
^new hurr^
-Here are some other pics from my hippie halloween last weekend :)
^we were obsessed with these little light up pumpkins! how cute are they??^
-Lily sent me this other gem of a pic from one of my first PhD excursions. Meet pattycakes- G's work boyfriend who lives in the shire, is bushfire blonde and claims this fitted-tee is "salmon." Notice it is the same shade as my phone cover. Bb cover is quite obviously pink :)
^Georgie, aka Pattycakes^
-Went to Bilgola beach (a northern one) with G and his bff Marty. M is totally hilariously inappropriate all the time and is currently growing his facial hair for Mo-vember and shaped it into a sort of goatee, so he's starting to resemble the officer from Reno-911.. even more epic! Working on being pretty much indistinguishable in skin color from a small African child.. only about 178 more shades of tan to go. Fingers crossed its sunny this weekend.
-Had my first Melbourne Cup experience! For all my stateside friends this is basically the Kentucky Derby but with the same amount of people who attend the Superbowl who watch it. Its an offical holiday on the first of November only in Victoria (not where I am) but work had the most fabulous luncheon at Blackbird cafe in Darling Harbour which is everyone's excuse to get super classy and dressed up and wear these amazing hats/ fascinators that are only appropriate for racing days. I wore this cream dress with a full front zip and black lace fascinator and pumps. Also, loved the open bar situation working in Oz is the most amazing experience. Obvi still adoring my time at Edelman.

^Lofty and I @ Edelman's Melbourne Cup luncheon^
-Got a "corporate massage" at work on thursday. Whoever invented this deserves a very big hug.
-Finally found pizza in Surry Hills with G. (obviously now our hood since we've been like 3 times this weekend) He was so content in his comfort zone and not having to eat with sticks. Did have the worst cookie ever tho.. Not even nearly up to Dions standards (girls we are having a serious Flying Star/ Dions/ Range date and catch up as soon as I get home!!! Get readyyy)
-Got slightly sad that I'm missing Thanksgiving again this year but then I remembered all the amazing things about this place and I was content in about 10 seconds. Problem solved.
Only 3 more weekends to soak it all in, basically in denial about the situation and praying for sunny weather! It's Kat AND Kelly's birthdays this weekend plus Lil's bff is in town from Melbourne so it should be really fun. Gotta find something cute for Stereo as well! Posts to follow as usual.
Miss you all mucho and I promise I am really trying to be better at skype dates! Chat soon :)
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