For your lurking pleasure..

Since Sassycakes (aka Pattycakes, aka PhD Pat, aka Georgie) has been on my case to get this out this week, here's some of what I got up to my third to last weekend in Aussieland.
-Ate at this yummy restaurant in Chinatown called Mamak. It was a food coma to the max. G and I clearly don't know how much is appropriate for a normal person to eat. Its an issue.

^curry curry curry^
-Went shopping with Lily for AGES on Thursday trying to find presents for people, since EVERYONE and their mother wants a prezzie from here not America obvi, and failed miserably. Neither of us bought anything. That's got to be some kind of record. Major #whitegirlproblems
-Randomly ran into PhD mob after shopping. They're literally everywhere.
-Went to after-work drinks with Lil, G and B @ PhD and then after dinner met up with everyone again at this little cuban place called like La Bodegita or something on York street for more drinks. Last time Lily and I were there we were downstairs with the people salsa dancing but this time we just chilled on this outdoor patio/ balcony which was nice.
-Sassycakes was sporting a ridiculous ginger mo. It literally makes him look like a child molester. But don't let me spoil it for you. Here it is in all its breathtaking glory.

just look at that orange fuzz.
-Had about 37 coffee chats with my management team at Edelman since this week is my last one. So sad. I love the company still and they have forwarded my CV to our San Fran office so fingers crossed they have something open for spring!
-Went for pizza and martinis with the girls at Cargo on Thursday. Have never seen the upstairs in the light of day and it's actually really pretty. Had the most amazeballz grapefruit and vanilla martini. So yummy!
-Found a life size koala. I NEED THIS.

-Got my nails done with Kayla on Sat. She got french tips and mine are little cherry red chicklets covered in sparkles. Standard.
Went to Ivy den/ lounge with the girls, and G. on Saturday night. He got a few high fives for being the only man in the group. :) oopsies. We also got some hilarious pictures! They are too fun and chic. We are all going out again on Friday.

^Kat, Naz, me, Ash & Ash's cousin @ Ivy^

-Have decided [officially] that I'm coming back to Australia after graduation in May. I love it here and can't wait to come back for longer. Now if only they gave you unlimited luggage allowance...
-Our secretary at work just got her pre-order Jeffrey Campbell spike heels. Obviously I told a picture. #myworkiscoolerthanyours

^i die.^
-Ate at this little italian place called Basello in Darling Harbour. Yummy. On a side note- I'm now in love with calamari. Who knew? Nom nom nom.
-Went shopping Sat & Sunday with G and Kayla and Marty but still didn't find any stellar presents. Will have to remedy this soon. Did find the cutest pug things tho.. check it.
^SO friggin cute^

^We found the giant christmas tree on Pitt st. and Market. Love christmas time!^
-Went to G's soccer game and ate Sunday dinner with the Carberts. They are top shelf. Chris is pretty much my fav family member, on the same level as Kayla, then G. :)
-Checked out the set list for Stereosonic on Saturday!!! So BEYOND excited for it. Too bad the weather is supposed to be shit. but, the show must go on. Wet tees and all.
-Went to tapas with G at this place called Captain Torres' Restaurant. More over-eating.. it's becoming a disturbing trend. Good thing I have all of Dec. to get back in the gym.
-Have only 1 weekend, 3 days of work and 1 final between me and being back in the good ole' US of A. too bad leaving is pretty much the LAST thing I want to do right now.
This song title is pretty fitting for my mood right now. Jammin' it on repeat.
This just means that I've gotta go super hard this weekend and with so many plans already made I'm sure next week's blog will be much more interesting/ potentially embarrassing. Can't wait.
More soon babes!
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