I know i've been lagging on posts so here is a recap of the last week..
Monday- woke up late with my body dying from surf camp so chilled out til class from 1-5pm.. then did an early dinner [ramen.. surprise] and caught up on my ZZzzs
Tuesday- So basically tuesdays are the worst.. Mass media class from 1-5pm which is interesting but sitting in the same room is SO hard to do without wanting to gag yourself on a spoon.. then from 530-830 [in the SAME room] we had the worst most boring class ever - Australian culture and society which really should be renamed- Aussie history because all we've learned about so far is like the landing of Captain Cook and the destruction of the aboriginies. kill me now. Mark our professor also informed us that the "quiz" we have on the reading thursday will take approx. 2 hrs! WTF. what kind of quiz takes 2 hours. its like inhumane.
Then after the quiz we had the most breathtaking dinner with our floor director Pascal at this bar/restaurant- Landsdowne Hotel-it was fun and i got this amazeballz pic with him.

Wednesday- We were pretty tame, went to the gym with Joe and then spent the rest of the time before class finishing up all the readings for thursday's quiz. So exciting i know. After class Bess and I walked down to starbucks and had the most amazing "coconut loaf" which tasted just like shortbread. OMG we need to get this stuff into our starbucks at home!
Went to the bar on the corner- called Broadway Bar- that night with Bess and Joe just to chill out and have a beer [well not Bess, since she only drinks Vodka] while playing pool.. I better come back a SHARK at pool because every single pub/ bar has at least one table and we play constantly.
Thursday- Had a field trip for our mass media class, we were supposed to go on a tour of the ABC studios but it got messed up so we went to go see this australian film called "Red Dog" instead. It was actually really good- kinda like an aussie version of Lassie but better-

I honestly dont understand how they get animals to do such good acting.. its nuts lol
It also had the hot country guy actor from Sweet Home Alabama in it so that was some good eye candy :]

^SO hot :]^
Then back to the apt for more studying and finally took the 2hr quiz. Think I did ok since it was open book, but he made it super tricky and EVERYONE spent the entire time flipping maniacally through their textbooks trying to locate really obscure answers. GAH. but at least it's over!
Went out with a bunch of the BU people to this rooftop bar in the Glenmore hotel in the rocks, Julian put the excursion together as part of his "Tucker Thursdays" which was fun but like pretty chill.

^Julian Julia and I^
We ended up leaving and going to a more fun place called Cruise in Darling Harbor which was poppin and had really fun salsa dancing! I danced with our gbf Peter for ages- who is one of my FAVVV people on the program so far- and then Bess and I called it a night.

^Peter and I on our way to Cruise^
Friday- Bess and I spent 9 hours.. not even exaggerating Nine freaking hours shopping and just walking around exploring on George St. I actually lucked out and got a pair of knee high black boots with a heel and a gold side zipper for $50!!! Best purchase of the trip besides my shearling this far :] --see the first pic of this blog for a visual-- I also got this interesting light pink going out top but its pretty breezy so i'm going to wait and wear it out when its a bit warmer.
Then we watched "The Help" and omg i cried SO HARD. I was literally bawling my eyes out for the last 45 min of the film. totally notebook status. After that ordeal we def weren't in the mood to go out and we were saving our crazy for Sat anyways so when we got back to the BU building at like 9pm we just chilled and talked etc.
Saturday- ZOOOOOOOO DAY! omg i absolutely adored the Taronga Zoo.

Bess and I at the Zoo
Bess and I spent a good 2 hours going around and taking pics of every single animal. My favs were obviously the kaolas.. although they were mostly sleeping and not close enough for me to touch them, let alone hold them baby style..sad day. We also saw some cool kangaroos and basically ALL of the cutest kids in the whole continent were at the Zoo that day. I sneak attack took a pic of my fav baby of the day. [see below]
Also, side note there were a bunch of these like little girls running around, they reminded me of girlscouts but Bess said they looked like little Abigail Breslins haha, who apparently camped out on the lawn there the night before. WORST FIELDTRIP OF ALL TIME. You couldn't pay me enough to sleepover at the zoo ha. Also this was kind of concerning since some of the animals.. like the kangaroos for example weren't in actually enclosures so they could just hop out and wander wherever and whenever they felt like it. Highly questionable. But you have to take a ferry across the harbor to get there so the views are spectacular.

^view from the Sydney Zoo^

Koala sleeping
pygmy hippos also sleeping.. there was definitely a theme going on at the zoo..
Saturday night [aka last night] wow. It started out as me and Bess wanting to go clubbing maybe with Vince and his friends.. to avoid the struggle of going out with the 70 BU people in our program. but apparently its his school's break right now so they didn't end up coming and so we just went down to Joe/ Julian/ Greg's room to play a little bp and continue pregaming while we came up with some new plans..
8 undefeated games later we decide to make it to Broadway Lounge which is a few blocks away for some bevvies and karaoke. At this point basically 80% of the BU program has mad their way into Joe's apt so it became an interesting group outing to say the least.
Sat night shenanigans
Basically it was a fun night full of Britney Spears sing-alongs and of course, some games of pool, but as usual there was SO much drama. Entertaining for sure.
Bess also lost her 2nd phone last night and her key card [which we found in the boy's room this morning] but the phone is for sure gone. :( so unfortunate. But since she didn't have her key card to get into the building last night when she came back an hour before us, she made BFF's with our security guard- named Harmeet. :]

Bess and Harmeet
He is literally the sweetest person ever and he let her watch Slumdog millionaire with him while she waited for us and told her all about his life since leaving India.
Most presh thing ever.

Bess and I this week at dinner :]
Now it's Sunday and also my mom's bday --Happy Birthday Mommy!-- and i've just been to the gym and am about to head off to a rugby game with Bess and Drew [remember his?] and some others in our program! I'm actually really stoked about it.
OMG i almost forgot to tell you, Hayden, and friends

^aka hot surfer coach from camp^
are coming to the city this week, probably on Tuesday.. we've been texting about it! Yeee, girls more on this obvi to come. :]
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